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Stopping fossil fuel extraction is essential to avoid climate chaos. Kiribati and friends are calling for a moratorium on new coal mines. Luckily, brave people all around the world are fighting the expansion of fossil fuel extraction. Here is one example of these Defenders of Mother Earth:

Hambacher Forest Occupation


Background information:


And here are some thank you videos for the Defenders in Hambach from our Climate Strike network:

Mensa from Togo, Lou from Germany and Xiuhtezcatl from the USA explain why they want to thank the Defenders of Hambacher Forst!

Yugratna India Thank you Kisilu Kenya thank you

Yugratna from India and Kisilu from Kenya say thank you!

Please send your own video or photo of thanks to the friends in Hambach who are giving their time and energy – and sometimes even their freedom – for defending our Mother Earth!

Send it to info @ climatestrike . net and we will publish it here as well as over the social media.


For more initiatives, visit LINGO’s list of extraction resistance around the world.

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