Climate Strike’s second demand is to transition to 100% clean energy.
There are many places in the world that are planning for or working on the transition from fossil energy addiction to coming clean.
Here you can find more information:
Join us for a 2-day Solar Energy Training Course in Paris on November 2nd and 3rd, 2015!
We held a webinar on Zero Emissions on September 21st, Zero Emissions Day which talked about the transition to 100% clean energy. You can download the presentation here (*link coming soon*).
Here is one of the examples mentioned in the webinar:
The Power of Community. How Cuba Survived Peak Oil (sub español) from El Tránsito Necesario on Vimeo.
On Climate Strike Day, we will be inviting experts on these 100% transitions to share their knowledge at schools and universities.
And some schools will install solar panels, to walk the first decisive steps towards leaving the fossil age behind.