The Show of Hands for Climate Strike
The open hand is the symbol of Climate Strike. If you agree to the three demands of Climate Strike: 1) Fossils should stay in the ground, 2) Transition to 100% clean energy, 3) Help people impacted by climate change then show the world your hand. Get all your friends together if they also agree to these demands. Show your hand for Climate Strike and take a picture.
For a nice picture, make sure everyone can see the camera, there is enough light and you have an interesting background. One hand is enough.[1]
Feel free to write your demands or messages relating to Climate Strike on your hands or on sheets of paper or boards.
Post it on facebook, twitter etc. with the hashtag #climatestrike
Make sure that the photo is public “Shared: public” (with the little earth as icon) and don’t forget the hashtag: #climatestrike
Feel free to tag all of your friends in the photo, that way it will appear in their feeds as well and spread more rapidly!
Here you can download a flyer to hand out at marches and events.
[1] Two hands up is the symbold of “Hands up, don’t shoot of #blacklivesmatter in the USA.