We sometimes hear that we should call on politicians to fix climate change at COP21 in Paris. (What is COP21?) As easy and attractive as this sounds, unfortunately it is not likely to happen.
Here is a projection of what governments are planning to pledge, sign – and maybe even celebrate as a “step forward” – in Paris: an increase in global emissions!
The projected “Paris Accord” will seek to implement the “INDC Scenario” – allowing global emissions to increase for another 15 years. INDCs are “Intended Nationally Determined Contributions”, meaning what countries are willing to “not pollute” voluntarily. They are the building blocks of the Paris Accord. When you add them up, the above INDC scenario arises.
Most oil, coal and gas extraction will not be limited by the Paris Accord. (See LINGO‘s analysis: Paris Mirage – Reducing emissions while increasing them)
Because governments are not going to stop this in time, we have no choice than to do it ourselves!
That is why Climate Strike is necessary. Our generation must end the fossil age in time to avoid run-away climate change. We are going to burn through the 2° red line in just 15 years, if we accept the Paris Accord. See the Infographic “Understanding the Climate Crisis” to understand the urgency.
We will work together to stop more fossil fuel extraction and we urge political leaders to join us!
The Pacific Islands have called for talks about a moratorium on new fossil infrastructure, especially new coal mines in their Suva Declaration. We support this declaration and demand that governments take this call seriously.